I had a possible failure conference with Student X's parents. They are aware that "X" is working on a 1st grade level and are concerned. Student X is being tested for dyslexia soon and has been officially put on the 504 list for ADHD. This means "X" can have the math TAKS test read out loud by a teacher. The reading will still have to be done on Student X's own abilities, however.
I am sending leveled readers home and I am modifying some of the words so that "X" can read them more phonetically. For example if the word is wheat....write the long /e/ letter over the "ea" in the word. It seems to help "X" remember the sounds. It corrolates with the Teach Your Child How To Read In 100 Easy Lessons as well. If I circle words and link them to pictures it will help student x remember unusual words.
See the examples below: