This week I will be working with Student "X" in the 100 Easy Lessons book. I will also be giving him a few tests to help chart his growth weekly. I will use the Marie M. Clay Running Record format to determine the error rate, ratio of errors to running words, accuracy rate, and the self correction ration. This will give me a good idea of where his reading level is this week after a week break. I will also use Marie Clays "Hearing and Recording Sounds in Words Observation Survey". This is a dictation test that will show how well Student "X "hears and records sounds. I will be using Marie Clay's Writing Observation Survey to assess Student "X's" writing abilities.
I would also like to give him the Pre-Primer, Primer, 1st, and 2nd grade Examiner Word Lists from the Qualitative Reading Inventory 4 book.
I am hoping with these three scores I can find a connection and begin a program that will better help Student "X" begin to be a more successful reader.